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Inspired by the Infinite and motivated by his own inward journey, Rob’s desire is to be a catalyst for change in others on the path towards Self discovery. He describes his style of teaching as embodied vinyasa, pulling wisdom from multiple lineages. Rob teaches yoga full-time exclusively at the 3 Yoga Pod locations in his hometown of Boulder, CO (& Longmont). His passion for yoga is apparent through his dedicated personal practice as a student first, so that he can serve more effectively as a teacher. Rob empowers, inspires and shares his love of yoga through every connection, his classes are creative, challenging, intelligent, FUN and bring depth beyond physical asana.
All classes exclusively at The Yoga Pod. All Boulder 30th Street classes are live streamed! Click Yoga Pod logo to for more information about our studios! New students can try all 3 studios for 4 weeks for only $40. Click the button to download Yoga Pod Go app.
8:45-9:45am Heated Flow
12-1pm Hot (both Longmont)
9:00-10:15am Flow (30th)
12:15-1:15pm Heated Flow (SoBo)
6-7:15pm Hot (30th)
8:30-9:30am Heated Flow (SoBo)
11:45am-12:45pm. Flow (Longmont)
5:15-6:15pm Heated Flow (30th)
10:30-11:30am Heated Flow (30th)
12:00-1:00pm Flow (30th)
5:15-6:30pm SHBz* (Longmont)
12:15-1:30pm Level 2 (30th)
5:15-6:30pm SHBz* (30th)
*Sweat Heat & Beatz

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment - RWE